Spelling Overview

Below you will find a list of all the Spelling resources reviewed on this site. Each has been carefully considered and reviewed and many come with suggestions for use.

Alphabetical Order – This is an excellent activity which ranges in complexity from words sorted by initial letters to words sorted by the initial three letters.

Alphabetical Order

Alphabetical Order

Alphabetical Order by primaryresources.co.uk

This is an excellent activity which ranges in complexity from words sorted by initial letters to words sorted by the initial three letters.

In all there are 13 levels for students to attempt. This would make an excellent homework or lunchtime activity or could even be done full class with an interactive whiteboard.

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Art/DT Overview

Below you will find a list of all the Art/DT materials reviewed on this site. Each has been carefully considered and reviewed and many come with suggestions for use.

Make an Easter Chick Card – a step by step instructions to help you fulfil your pupils’ need to take home a card for mum and dad at Easter.

Easter Chick Card

Easter Chick CardEaster Chick Card by topmarks.co.uk

If you are looking for a step by step instructions to help you fulfil your pupils’ need to take home a card for mum and dad at Easter then you need look no further.

These easy to follow, simple instructions should enable you to knock out a class set within the space of a single session.

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Pompeii: The Last Day

Pompeii: The Last Day – Youtube Video embedded here

On 24 August AD79, the sleeping giant Mount Vesuvius erupted with horrifying force, destroying the prosperous Roman cities Pompeii and Herculeneum.

Their inhabitants were subjected to 24 hours of untold horror. Four million tonnes of pumice, rock and ash rained on the towns, suffocating the life out of the cities, and burying alive those who had been unable to flee.

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