How does sound travel through air?

A demonstration of how particles vibrate and collide with one another to create sound. When a drum is hit, the air particles next to the drum skin vibrate and collide with other particles, and this vibration is then transmitted through the air. This is known as wave compression, which allows sound to travel quickly through the air.

Could be used as starting point to understanding sound. Pupils could use drums to emulate sound effects.

The clip could also be used to set up their own sound vibrations with children in a line to visually reinforce the point, as per the clip. It could be used to reinforce any misconceptions.

How does sound travel through air? by

How do we get day and night?

A practical demonstration, using visual aids, to show how the Sun shines on the Earth and how the Earth rotates to create day and night. The demonstrator talks about the Sun rising in the east and setting in the west, and the effect on the length of shadows created at different times of the day.

This clip could be used as a part of a topic about Earth and space. After showing the clip, pupils could simulate the same investigations with globes, torches and Lego. They could record an explanation of why there is day and night, why the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west and how shadows are formed.

On a sunny day, pupils could record their shadows on the playground at hourly intervals to track how the shadows change shape and direction. Pupils could prepare a presentation on what they have found out and present it to another class or in assembly.

How do we get day and night? by
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