Happy New Year 2018…

Happy New Year 2018…

We know that it will be at least a week from the publishing of this post until the start of the spring term.

Nevertheless, we would like to wish all teaching and support staff at all schools a great 2018 and thank them for the brilliant job they do.

And to the kids…be nice to your teachers, they deserve it!

We hope to continue to bring great links throughout the year.


Happy New Year 2018…

Time : Analog Clock Puzzle

Time : Puzzle Pic Clocks by mathplayground.com

This puzzle presents the user with 12 analog clocks showing different times.

A digital time is given under the array of clocks and the object of the game is to drag a piece of a jigsaw to the matching analog clock in the puzzle.

The ‘fast forward’ arrows allow the user to start a new game at the current level. The bars in the bottom left hand corner of the puzzle allow the user to select a level of difficulty.

This would work equally well as an interactive whiteboard activity or on individual tablets or desktop computers.

The game works well even on my elderly iPad…

 Puzzle Pic Clocks by mathplayground.com`


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